Union Fleurs attracts attention of Brexit negotiators

    Given the importance of the UK market for its international membership, Union Fleurs is active in Brussels and beyond to give visibility to the future implications of Brexit on floriculture businesses and to attract the attention of negotiators and policy-makers on both the EU and UK sides on the particular needs of the global floriculture chain in the context of Brexit.

    Most recently, Union Fleurs Secretary General Sylvie Mamias has met with the EU Brexit Task Force in Brussels and with the UK and EU missions at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in Geneva, together with other representatives from the agri-food trade.

    Mamias has also been kindly invited to take part together with members in various high-level Brexit meetings organised in the Netherlands by the Netherlands British Chamber of Commerce and had for example the privilege to exchange views with Dr Liam Fox, the UK International Trade Secretary, and bring his attention to the floriculture sector. Monitoring, advocacy and lobbying efforts will be continued by Union Fleurs as further developments in the Brexit process will unfold.

    With a market share of around €1 billion and as the second largest import market for floricultural products, the UK is a major destination for flowers and plants suppliers and traders based in the EU, but also in Kenya, Colombia and the rest of the world.

    The forthcoming exit of the UK from the EU by March 2019 offers challenging perspectives for floriculture businesses and uncertainty remains high as various scenarii are being envisaged for the future trade relations between the UK and its current trade partners in the EU and in the rest of the world.

    Union Fleurs is an international trade association. The general mission of Union Fleurs is to represent, promote and defend the interests of the international floricultural trade.

    From 8 to 10 November, Union Fleurs will as usual be present with its own booth at the IFTF Trade Fair Expo in Haarlemmermeer, Vijfhuizen, the Netherlands.

    Source: Union Fleurs

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