For the second year in a row, FlowerTrials isn’t going ahead. The event, where pot and bedding plant breeders show their novelties, traditionally takes place in week 24. “Presenting novelties online had already become more popular before the pandemic hit. Nonetheless, Covid-19 has certainly acted as a catalyst for digital presentations. The promotion of novelties will never be the same again”, expects chairperson Gill Corless.
After some discussion, the organisers of FlowerTrials decided unanimously that the edition of 2021 wouldn’t go ahead either. The management didn’t want to risk becoming a breeding ground for the coronavirus. “If an outbreak occurred at one of the FlowerTrials locations, it would really damage our image”, explains chairperson Gill Corless. But most of all, the organisation wants to ensure they act in agreement with the government’s guidelines.

“When we had to make our decision, it wasn’t, and it still isn’t, responsible to ask people to drive across the entire country, visiting one FlowerTrials location after another”, argues Corless. “And let’s face it, only allowing a limited number of visitors, who must adhere to social distancing and wear face masks, wouldn’t do justice to the atmosphere that FlowerTrials wants and is used to. Visitors want to see, feel and smell the plants.”
Studio FlowerTrials is an alternative for physical FlowerTrials (..)
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