9th Breeders and Young Plants Producers Conference Fleuroselect

Fleuroselect’s 9th Breeders and Young Plant Producers Conference will take place on 29th & 30th November 2016 at the A4 Hotel Schiphol near Amsterdam, The Netherlands. This year’s event will cover two main highly topical themes: current challenges in growing and retail marketing.

On day one, Sjaak Bakker Manager of Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture will open the conference with the initiative “Club of 100”.

Matthew Skinner representing Newey Roundstone will provide an update on the “Latest developments in peat-free media” using examples from the company’s own production.

“Business development driven by technological change” in particular related to the horticultural industry will be tackled by Sander Kramer, business development manager at the green market communicators Floramedia.

John van Ruiten director of Naktuinbouw, The Netherlands inspection service for horticulture, will close the first day of expert speakers with a presentation on the latest “Phytosanitary challenges in EU plant growing”.

Retail marketing
Day two of the programme tackles retail marketing and successful branding. Following on from her presentation during last year’s Home Garden Conference, Nancy van Kleef head of marketing and communications at wholesaler FleuraMetz will explain how “New shopping changes your customer relations”.

The interactive session “Successful ways of branding horticultural products” will then focus on best practices in product marketing, followed by a Q&A with the audience.

Jan Sijm will present the breeders/seed producers/distributors Hem Zaden & Hem Genetics.

Key note speaker Yuri van Geest will present exponential organisations, specifically the new ways startups and corporates are organised internally and externally to deal with disruption, exponential technologies and accelerated change.

Company visit
For the first time, the Breeders & Young Plant Producers Conference takes you outside of the meeting room with a visit to the production facilities of Looye Tomatoes, a market leader in the sector and conveniently located close to the A4 Schiphol hotel.