The ongoing and unstable situation in regard to the COVID-19 pandemic has led FlowerTrials to take the decision to cancel the physical event for 2021.
Gill Corless, Chairman of the FlowerTrials: “Given the current circumstances, we feel that FlowerTrials cannot responsibly organise collective open days or encourage visitors to travel to different locations. We do not believe that by June, vaccination levels will be high enough to ensure the safety of our visitors and staff. While we cannot predict what the situation will be in June with regards to lockdown regulations, with only 10 weeks to go to week 24, cancellation is the only realistic option left. On behalf of all of us, we hope to see you again next year. FlowerTrials remains the place where Plants meet People.”

Democratic decision
A digital information meeting held on 18th of March and a member survey issued last week revealed that over three quarters of all FlowerTrials members prefer to cancel this year’s physical event.
Sally van der Horst, FlowerTrials Secretary: “The FlowerTrials organisation is of course very disappointed to have to cancel FlowerTrials for the second year in a row, however we are relieved that the decision has been taken democratically after careful consideration and consultation with all the companies involved. We are proud of our strong community of 60 members and are looking forward to maintaining the excellent cooperation”.
Digital alternative
As most FlowerTrials exhibitors have indicated interest in taking part in a form of joint online promotion, the Board and Secretariat will now continue to work on a digital alternative to present the latest pot and bedding plants to the industry in week 24.