Hillenraad100 and Vakblad voor de Bloemisterij present list with leaders in Dutch cutting flowers and potted plants industry

    Hillenraad100 and Vakblad voor de Bloemisterij made a top of Dutch cutting flower growers and a top 10 of Dutch potted plant growers. The numbers 1 are Van den Berg RoseS and Ter laak Orchids. About the top 100 of Dutch market horticultural companies, Martien Penning, CEO of Hillenraad100, says that the Dutch horticulture is craving for new pioneers.

    The top 10 cutting flower growers and top 10 potted plant growers have been ranked with the highest scores in the 2015 Hillenraad100 investigation. For its assessment, Hillenraad uses a company model based on an expanded test of five pillars. These pillars are: entrepreneurship, company performance, strategy, commitment (towards customers, staff, society) and the growth factor. The top 10 values these pillars equally.

    The Hillenraad100 is based on information of the companies and public sources. A lot of good companies are missing from the top; this often depends on the availability of information.

    About the top 100 of Dutch horticultural companies, Martien Penning, CEO of Hillenraad100, says that the Dutch horticulture is craving for new pioneers.

    Without wanting to wrong the companies in the top 10, Martien Penning believes the Hillenraad100 is missing some new hidden gems. That’s part and parcel of ‘lists’ that are a monitor of a developing sector, he explains. ‘The production companies in the list are all leading companies. On the other hand, large-scale Phalaenopsis, tulip or chrysanthemum companies are not the pioneering renewers that help the sector innovate and lead to a new élan. These companies are way too long-standing for that. They focus on strengthening their positions’, says Penning.

    New élan
    Penning believes the new élan is in pioneering for new products and business models; models that focus on the function of ornamentals instead of their characteristics. ‘The horticultural entrepreneur that thinks only product characteristics matter, is lacking essence. Today’s customer is mainly triggered by product features: what does this product mean to me? Creating functional value of products opens the roads to new chances on the market, and emotion is going to play a larger part. And there are plenty of chances in the current consumers’ perception. Because of the virtualisation of society, they value more authenticity and genuineness as a consequence. And horticultural products are an outstanding example of products that bring about emotion’, explains Penning.

    Grower Top 10 Hillenraad100/Vakblad voor de Bloemisterij

    Top 10 Potted plant companies
    1. Ter Laak Orchids
    2. SO Natural
    3. Emsflower
    4. Bunnik Plants
    5. Anco pure Vanda
    6. Fachjan Projects Plants
    7. SV.CO
    8. Sjaak van Schie
    9. Moerings Waterplantenkwekerij
    10. Pligt Professionals

    Top 10 cutting flower companies
    1. Van den Berg RoseS
    2. Porta Nova
    3. Arcadia Chrysanten
    4. Holstein Flowers
    5. Wesselman Tulpen
    6. Kreling Chrysant
    7. Germaco
    8. LG Flowers
    9. LMC Middelburg Chrysanten
    10. BredeFleur

    Next week Hortipoint will focus on the top 10 of potted plants companies.

    Martien Penning: ”’The production companies in the list are all leading companies. On the other hand, large-scale Phalaenopsis, tulip or chrysanthemum companies are not the pioneering renewers that help the sector innovate and lead to a new élan.”