A few European countries might continue export of trees of shrubs to North America, as the US and Canadian authorities seem to change their import requirements to host plants of ALB and CLB.
For years, the United States and Canada have banned the import of host plants of Asian Longhorn Beetle (ALB) and Citrus Longhorn Beetle (CLB) thicker than 10 mm, to prevent establishment and spread in North America. The beetles are native to China and can destruct a wide range of trees and shrubs.
Dutch authorities and the Royal Trade Association for Nursery Stock and Flower Bulbs Anthos are trying for years to make the export possible again. Recently the US and Canadian authorities have informed stakeholders about a possible change of the requirements. Host plants thicker than 10 mm might enter again when exporting countries and companies guarantee the plants are grown in areas decleared free of ALB and CLB.
If export may continue, only a few EU countries can apply for this: the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark and the United Kingdom. Floribusiness asked questions to the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Washington, DC. More about this topic this autumn in our digital magazine.

Photo by Arno Engels