On September 2-4, 2021, the 28th International Green is Life Exposition & Flower Expo Poland will take place in Warsaw.
The exhibition aims to present the latest achievements in breeding and technological solutions, as well as to promote actions that support green business. It is the meeting place of professionals and consumers.
This year’s slogan of the show is LET’S MEET. It symbolizes a close contact with nature that also goes to the heart of human behavior and needs. They concern both private life and building business relationships. After the months of isolation and time spent online, there will again be an opportunity for direct contact with people in the industry.

Green is Life and Flower Expo Poland comprise a formula for meetings. As well as an overview in one place and time a large range of products and services associated with greenery. Including new plants (including the “New Plant” Competition).
The exhibition focusses on professionals who deal with the nursery industries, urban greenery, wholesalers, florists and flower shop representatives. The first two days of the event are intended for all of them, as well as consumers and hobbyists for whom a number of attractions have been prepared for Saturday.